Brand     1    :    2    :     3    :    4   
Rocket Lawyer

Led brand exploration

design system/Brand guide design, dev + copy
Rocket Lawyer's platform helps to make high quality legal services accessible and affordable to all. As Rocket Lawyer's brand matured, it became necessary to reassess styles and provide cohesion across their website and marketing materials—we referred to this as the 'Brand Stabilization' project. I worked with executive, design and marketing teams to distill the essence of the existing brand.. I then used these discussions to design, organize and build an online design system and brand guide that informed Rocket Lawyer's style and featured a primary visual asset, customer photography, which I also art directed.

Additionally, working with the design team, I led exploration exercises in brand-centric illustration and a secondary color palette. These exercises culminated in a fresh and modern custom illustration set that's now used across website and marketing materials and has served as a bridge for Rocket Lawyer's future rebranding efforts.
Rocket Lawyer

Led brand exploration
Brand guide design, dev + copy
Rocket Lawyer's platform helps to make high quality legal services accessible and affordable to all. As Rocket Lawyer's brand matured, it became necessary to reassess styles and provide cohesion across their website and marketing materials—we referred to this as the 'Brand Stabilization' project. I worked with executive, design and marketing teams to distill the essence of the existing brand. I then used these discussions to design, organize and build an online Brand Guide that informed Rocket Lawyer's style and featured a primary visual asset, customer photography, which I also art directed.

Additionally, working with the design team, I led exploration exercises in brand-centric illustration and a secondary color palette. These exercises culminated in a fresh and modern custom illustration set that's now used across website and marketing materials and has served as a bridge for Rocket Lawyer's future rebranding efforts.